About Us

Growing up Greg was able to be exposed to the beauty of Oakland and San Francisco through outings with family and friends. Later on as an adult Greg held a job that required him to drive from one side of california to the other side. Through his travels he was able to see the beauty of California, however he took pride in how beautiful the bay area, his home town, REALLY was. This motivated Greg to create a platform to show the rest of the world how beautiful the bay area is and how proud the residents are to be here.

Our  logo incorporates 2 aspects of the Bay. The Golden gate bridge and the Oakland cranes. The Bridge represents the Gateway to The Bay Waters. The Cranes have helped the city of Oakland to become a major port on the West Coast. Their signature style has inspired film makers and captivated photographers. They perform great acts, but their roots are in Oakland. That is why it has become a part of our logo.